Laticauda laticaudata

Common Sea Krait, Blue-Lipped Sea Krait




120 cm
I印度洋(東印度,斯里蘭卡,緬甸,馬來西亞,印度尼西亞,美拉尼西亞, 波里尼西亞),所羅門群島,泰國灣,菲律賓,安達曼群島,尼可巴群島,台灣,中國,孟加拉灣,馬來西亞半島,印澳板塊到新幾內亞間的群島,日本 (琉球群島),澳大利亞 (新南威爾斯州,昆士蘭),紐西蘭,至斐濟的西太平洋地區,新喀勒多尼亞,墨西哥,薩爾瓦多,尼加拉瓜
Medium-sized snake; total length up to 120 cm. There are 17-21 (about 21 at mid-body) rows of smooth and glossy scales. Head is broad, flattened on top, very slightly triangular, but not distinct from neck; body is moderately stout and slightly compressed laterally, especially in posterior quarter; tail is laterally compressed, sides with vertically elongated scales. The ventrals are medium size and distributed over one-third to more than half the width of body. Eye is medium-sized; iris is dark brown to black and pupil is round, black, indistinct. Tongue is flesh-colored, darkened by scatttered black pigment, and outer half of its fork tips is dirty white. Fangs are medium size, rigid, in anterior part of upper jaw. There are 2 prefrontals and no loreals; the rostral is entire. Upper head is blackish and distinctly marked with a broad band of creamy or light cyan anterior to eyes and extending to sides of head behind eyes. Upper body and tail are cyan to blue while ventral body is dirty white to cream, which are encircled completely by black, prominent bands with clearly defined borders; the black band is similar to the interspaces in width. Ventral head has a prominent broad longitudinal black stripe, extending posteriorly from the mouth to join the black bands of the body; chin and gular shields are dirty white to cream. Anal scale is divided and subcaudals are paired.
為夜行或兼行,通常發現於珊瑚礁及沿岸佈滿石頭的地區,牠們夏天會在此聚集產卵。牠們大部分以鰻魚這類的細長魚類為食。母體一次大約會產下 2-4 顆蛋。最小的成熟母體與公體之吻肛長分別是 58 及 53 公分。
黑唇青斑海蛇同時也因牠們有趣的保溫行為而被觀察,根據"Kleptothermy: an additional category of thermoregulation, and a possible example in sea kraits(一種分享體溫來調節彼此體溫的特殊方式)"中的研究指出,牠們的保溫行為相當的有趣。(資料來源)
Laticauda = 源自於拉丁文的 latus = 寬的,及 cauda = 尾巴,對應牠們那寬扁的尾巴。
laticaudata = 同上