Elaphe taeniura friesi
Taiwan Beauty Snake
黑 眉錦蛇
270 cm
Large snake; total length up to 280 cm. There are 17-25 (25 at mid-body) rows of scales, which are feebly keeled except those on the flanks. Head is roughly triangular; body is moderately heavy or robust; tail is long. Eye is medium to large; iris is olive gray to dirty yellow, darkened by fine diffuse black pigment, and a broad gray black to black horizontal band runs across eye and appears as continuation of prominent dark band behind eye; pupil is round, jet black with ring of dull yellow. Tongue is large, with black to blue-black stem which is darker than fork tips. Upper head is olive yellow to dark olive gray and may be tinged with brown; the labials are lighter. There is a prominent black band extending from eye near to corner of mouth. The general color of the upper body is olive yellow to yellow gray tinged with varying shades of green and black. In the anterior two-thirds of body, there are two dorsal rows of black blotches and two on the flanks. On the posterior body, the designs turn into a broad median stripe of olive yellow and two lateral series of broad dark (which appear as two intact lateral stripes in tail), beneath which there are two light yellow to yellow stripes. Ventral head and neck are white to cream. The other areas of the ventral body and tail are yellow, with few small irregular gray or gray black designs anteriorly followed by more numerous and progressively darker designs posteriorly. Most designs occur in outer quarter or third of the ventrals and form a pair of longitudinal bands in posterior third of body and in tail. Anal scale is divided and subcaudals are paired.
"Elaphe 源自希臘語 elaphos 意思是 "stag(單身)"。 遺憾的是 Leopold Fitzinger (1833) 並沒有留下他命名的原因。 一個可能的原因是,因為臭青公頭頂有著類似鹿角形狀的圖案,與 四線錦蛇 Elaphe quatuorlineata sauromates 的花紋相似,除此之外還有其他類似的種類" (Source)
taeniura 來自希臘文 taenia = 帶狀的、彩帶 再組合上 oura = 尾巴, 意指此蛇尾部有帶狀縱斑。